Best Robot Vacuums for High Pile Carpet: A Comprehensive Guide for 2023


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Best Robot Vacuums for High Pile Carpet

High pile carpets are a luxurious addition to any room, offering comfort and warmth. However, they come with the challenge of being difficult to clean, especially with traditional vacuums. Fortunately, robot vacuums have emerged as the solution to keeping your high pile carpets clean and dust-free with minimal effort.

In this article, we will delve deeper into the best robot vacuums for high pile carpet, providing you with a comprehensive guide that includes detailed insights into their features, pros and cons, and much more.

What is a High Pile Carpet?

High pile carpets are distinguished by their longer and looser fibers, giving them a plush and soft texture. They excel at enhancing the cozy ambiance of your living spaces. However, their deep piles tend to trap more dirt, dust, and allergens, making it imperative to have a vacuum with robust suction power to effectively clean them.

Why Use a Robot Vacuum for High Pile Carpet?

Robot vacuums offer numerous advantages when it comes to cleaning high pile carpets:

  • Convenience: Robot vacuums operate autonomously, freeing up your time for other tasks and activities.
  • Efficiency: Advanced sensors and algorithms enable these robots to ensure thorough cleaning.
  • Versatility: Many robot vacuum models seamlessly transition from hard floors to high pile carpets without any manual intervention.

For a deeper understanding of how robot vacuums operate, you can explore our article here.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Robot Vacuum for High Pile Carpet

Selecting the right robot vacuum for your high pile carpet involves taking several key factors into account:

1. Suction Power

Robust suction power is paramount for extracting dirt and debris deeply embedded within the carpet fibers.

2. Battery Life

Longer battery life ensures that the robot vacuum can cover larger areas without needing frequent recharges.

3. Size and Design

A slim and sleek design allows the vacuum to effortlessly navigate under furniture and reach challenging spots.

4. Additional Features

Consider features such as Wi-Fi connectivity and compatibility with voice assistants for added convenience and control.

For an in-depth comparison of popular robot vacuum brands, please refer to our articles here and here.

Top Picks for Best Robot Vacuums for High Pile Carpet

In this section, we will review some of the best robot vacuums for high pile carpets available in the market. Our evaluations take into account crucial factors such as suction power, battery life, and additional features. Below is a table summarizing our top recommendations:

Robot VacuumSuction PowerBattery LifeAdditional FeaturesProsCons
iRobot Roomba i7 Robot VacuumHighLongAutomatic dirt disposal, Smart mapping technology, Compatible with Alexa and Google AssistantExcellent suction power, Control via a mobile app or voice commandsHigher price point
Roborock S5 Robotic Vacuum CleanerHighLongLaser-guided navigation, Mopping function, Long battery lifeExcellent performance on both carpets and hard floors, Simultaneous mopping and vacuuming capabilitiesThe app interface could be more user-friendly
Neato Robotics D7 Robot VacuumHighLongLaser-guided mapping, Zone cleaning feature, Compatible with Alexa, Google Assistant, and Apple WatchImpressive performance on high pile carpets, Control through a mobile app or voice commandsRelatively louder compared to other models
Shark RV1001AE IQ Robot Self-Empty XLHighLongSelf-emptying base, Home mapping, Compatible with Alexa and Google AssistantPowerful suction capabilities, Control via a mobile app or voice commandsThe self-emptying base requires ample space
iRobot Roomba i3 EVO Wi-Fi Connected Robot VacuumHighLongAutomatic dirt disposal, Reactive Sensor Technology, Compatible with Alexa and Google AssistantOutstanding performance on high pile carpets, Control via a mobile app or voice commandsLacks advanced mapping features

1. iRobot Roomba i7 Robot Vacuum

The iRobot Roomba i7 stands out as a top-tier robot vacuum equipped with powerful suction and advanced features. It’s an ideal choice for high pile carpets, thanks to its automatic carpet boost feature, which enhances suction power when on carpets.

Features and Benefits

  • Automatic Dirt Disposal: Conveniently empties the dustbin on its own.
  • Smart Mapping Technology: Efficiently navigates your home.
  • Compatibility: Can be controlled through Alexa and Google Assistant.


  • Outstanding suction power.
  • Control via a mobile app or voice commands.


  • Higher price point.

To gain deeper insights into how iRobot Roomba i7 compares with other brands, please visit our article here.

2. Roborock S5 Robotic Vacuum Cleaner

The Roborock S5 is a versatile robot vacuum capable of handling high pile carpets with ease. It boasts strong suction power and an extended battery life.

Features and Benefits

  • Laser-Guided Navigation: Ensures precise cleaning.
  • Mopping Function: Offers dual functionality.
  • Long Battery Life: Covers larger areas efficiently.


  • Excellent performance on both carpets and hard floors.
  • Simultaneous mopping and vacuuming capabilities.


  • The app interface could be more user-friendly.

For a detailed review of the Roborock S5, please refer to our article here.

3. Neato Robotics D7 Robot Vacuum

The Neato Robotics D7’s distinctive D-shape design facilitates effective corner cleaning, making it an excellent choice for high pile carpets. Its large brush and potent suction power contribute to its exceptional performance.

Features and Benefits

  • Laser-Guided Mapping: Ensures efficient cleaning.
  • Zone Cleaning Feature: Allows targeted cleaning.
  • Compatibility: Works with Alexa, Google Assistant, and even Apple Watch.


  • Impressive performance on high pile carpets.
  • Control through a mobile app or voice commands.


  • Relatively louder compared to other models.

To gain further insights into how robot vacuums navigate around your home, please explore our article here.

4. Shark RV1001AE IQ Robot Self-Empty XL

The Shark RV1001AE IQ Robot Self-Empty XL distinguishes itself with its self-emptying feature, eliminating the need to empty the dustbin after each cleaning session. Its robust suction power makes it suitable for high pile carpets.

Features and Benefits

  • Self-Emptying Base: Adds convenience.
  • Home Mapping: Ensures systematic cleaning.
  • Compatibility: Can be controlled through Alexa and Google Assistant.


  • Powerful suction capabilities.
  • Control via a mobile app or voicecommands.


  • The self-emptying base requires ample space.

For a comprehensive comparison between Shark and other renowned robot vacuum brands, please visit our article here.

5. iRobot Roomba i3 EVO Wi-Fi Connected Robot Vacuum

The iRobot Roomba i3 EVO offers a budget-friendly option without compromising on performance. Its strong suction power and advanced features make it an excellent choice for high pile carpets.

Features and Benefits

  • Automatic Dirt Disposal: Effortlessly empties the dustbin.
  • Reactive Sensor Technology: Enhances navigation.
  • Compatibility: Can be controlled through Alexa and Google Assistant.


  • Outstanding performance on high pile carpets.
  • Control via a mobile app or voice commands.


  • Lacks advanced mapping features.

To explore how Wi-Fi connectivity enhances the functionality of robot vacuums, please read our article here.

How to Maintain Your Robot Vacuum for High Pile Carpet

Maintaining your robot vacuum is crucial to ensure its longevity and optimal performance. Here are some essential maintenance tips:

  • Regular Cleaning: Clean the dustbin, filter, and brushes regularly to prevent clogging.
  • Check Wheels and Sensors: Ensure that there are no trapped debris hindering the wheels and sensors.
  • Battery Care: Avoid leaving the robot vacuum on the charger constantly to prolong battery life.

For a comprehensive guide on maintaining your robot vacuum, please refer to our article here.

Additional Considerations for High Pile Carpet Owners

Cleaning high pile carpets requires extra care and attention due to their unique characteristics. Here are some additional considerations to keep in mind:

1. Cleaning Frequency

High pile carpets tend to trap more dirt and dust. Consider scheduling your robot vacuum for more frequent cleaning sessions to ensure your carpets remain in top condition.

2. Brush Roll Maintenance

Regularly inspect and clean the brush rolls of your robot vacuum. Long fibers can get tangled, affecting cleaning performance.

3. Carpet Refreshing

Some robot vacuums offer a “carpet refreshing” mode, which includes multiple passes and extra attention to high pile areas. Utilize this feature for thorough cleaning.

4. Pre-Cleaning Preparation

Before running your robot vacuum, pick up any loose items or obstacles on the carpet’s surface to ensure uninterrupted cleaning.


Selecting the right robot vacuum for your high pile carpet can significantly impact its cleanliness and longevity. The iRobot Roomba i7, Roborock S5, Neato Robotics D7, Shark RV1001AE IQ Robot Self-Empty XL, and iRobot Roomba i3 EVO all offer excellent options, each with its unique features and benefits.

Remember, the best robot vacuum for you ultimately depends on your specific needs and budget. Consider factors such as suction power, battery life, size and design, and additional features when making your decision.

We trust that this comprehensive guide has been instrumental in aiding your search for the best robot vacuum for high pile carpet. For further tips and advice on smart home maintenance, don’t forget to explore our other articles linked below:

Happy cleaning!

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