Ultimate Guide to The Best Robot Vacuum for Long Hair: User Reviews 2023


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Robot Vacuums for Long Hair

Are you tired of constantly dealing with the hassle of long hair tangling up your vacuum? It’s a common problem, especially for pet owners and those with family members sporting luscious locks. But fret not, because we’ve got you covered. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll help you discover the ultimate solution with the best robot vacuums for long hair.

We have a detailed guide on choosing the best robot vacuum for husky hair, you must check it out.

List of the Best Robot Vacuums For Long Hair in 2023

ILIFE V3S Pro: Perfect for Pet Owners

ILIFE V3S Pro: Perfect for Pet Owners

ir?t=smarthomeness 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B06Y56NDF4 Smart Homeness

If you share your home with furry friends or are simply tired of long hair causing vacuum woes, the ILIFE V3S Pro Robot Vacuum Cleaner could be your savior. This intelligent vacuum is specially designed to handle pet hair without getting tangled, making it an ideal choice for homes with pets.

But the V3S Pro doesn’t stop at pet hair; it’s a versatile cleaner that effectively tackles dirt, crumbs, and debris on a variety of surfaces, from hardwood to tile, laminate, stone, and even low pile carpets. With a runtime of up to 100 minutes on a single charge, it can cover a substantial area, making it suitable for larger homes.

What sets the V3S Pro apart is its slim, low-profile design, allowing it to effortlessly glide under beds and sofas where dirt often hides. Plus, its anti-bump and anti-fall sensors help it navigate around obstacles and avoid dangerous drops.

Operating this vacuum is a breeze; you can start cleaning with a simple one-button touch or use the remote control with an LCD screen for easy operation. The dustbin is easy to empty, and the filter should be cleaned after each use, with replacement recommended monthly.

With a 12-month warranty and a dedicated U.S. customer service team, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing you have support. In summary, the ILIFE V3S Pro Robot Vacuum is a reliable and efficient cleaning companion, making it an excellent choice for those seeking the best robot vacuum for long hair and overall household cleanliness.

What we like

  • Effective
  • Cleaning
  • Affordable Price
  • Easy to Use
  • Good Battery Life
  • Handles Various Floor Types

What we don’t like

  • Difficulty finding the charger dock
  • Loud noise during operation

Roborock Q5: Suction Power and Large Dustbin

q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B09N3JKFFY&Format= SL250 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=smarthomeness 20&language=en US Smart Homenessir?t=smarthomeness 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B09N3JKFFY Smart Homeness

The Roborock Q5 is another contender for the title of the best robot vacuum for long hair. This smart robot vacuum is designed to make cleaning easy, effortless, and effective. One of its standout features is its powerful 2000Pa suction power, capable of picking up even the tiniest hair strands, making it a great choice for those with long hair or shedding pets.

The vacuum is also equipped with a large dustbin that can hold up to 640ml of dirt, reducing the need for frequent emptying. With a long battery life of up to 150 minutes on a single charge, it can efficiently clean multiple rooms.

Advanced sensors allow the Roborock Q5 to navigate around obstacles and clean under furniture, ensuring thorough cleaning. However, some users have reported difficulty with the accompanying app.

what we like

  • Powerful suction effectively picks up long hair
  • Large dustbin reduces the frequency of emptying
  • Long battery life for extended cleaning sessions
  • Advanced sensors for efficient navigation and cleaning

what we don’t like

  • May get stuck under low-clearance furniture
  • App can be difficult to use for some users

iRobot Roomba i7+: Advanced Navigation and Self-Emptying

q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B07GNPDMRP&Format= SL250 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=smarthomeness 20&language=en US Smart Homenessir?t=smarthomeness 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B07GNPDMRP Smart Homeness

The iRobot Roomba i7+ is equipped with advanced navigation technology that allows it to navigate around obstacles and navigate around furniture with ease. It uses a high-efficiency filter to capture dust, dirt, and pet hair.

It has a powerful suction system that can pick up even the tiniest of particles. It also has a unique feature that allows it to automatically empty its dustbin, which means you won’t have to worry about emptying it yourself.

In terms of cleaning long hair, the iRobot Roomba i7+ is definitely up to the task. Its powerful suction system can easily pick up long strands of hair, and its high-efficiency filter is designed to capture even the tiniest of particles.

Additionally, its unique rubber brushes are specially designed to prevent hair tangles, which means you won’t have to spend time untangling hair from the brush roll.

what we like

  • Advanced navigation technology for efficient cleaning
  • High-efficiency filter captures dust, dirt, and pet hair
  • Powerful suction system can pick up even the tiniest of hair strands
  • Automatically empties its dustbin, saving you time and hassle.
  • Rubber brushes prevent hair tangles, making it easy to clean long hair

what we dont

  • One of the more expensive robot vacuums on the market
  • Some users have reported issues with the automatic emptying feature.

AIRROBO P10 Robot Vacuum Cleaner: Impressive Suction and Control Options

q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B095SL9KP3&Format= SL250 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=smarthomeness 20&language=en US Smart Homenessir?t=smarthomeness 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B095SL9KP3 Smart Homeness

The AIRROBO P10 Robot Vacuum Cleaner is a top-notch cleaning companion that stands out in the market for its impressive features and capabilities. Designed for both hard floors and low-piled carpets, this robot vacuum is a game-changer in the quest for a spotless home.

One of its standout features is the powerful 2600Pa suction, ensuring no dirt or debris is left behind. With multiple cleaning modes like Auto, Zigzag, Spot, and Edge, it adapts to various cleaning needs effortlessly. Whether you need a quick cleanup or a thorough cleaning session, the P10 has got you covered.

What sets this robot vacuum apart is its versatility in control. You can manage it with your voice using Alexa or Google Home, control it through the user-friendly app, or simply use the remote control for convenience.

 Plus, you can adjust the suction level to match your requirements, ranging from 600Pa to an impressive 2600Pa.

The P10 also offers the convenience of self-charging, ensuring it’s always ready to tackle messes. Whether you have long hair shedding on your floors or a mix of surfaces, the AIRROBO P10 Robot Vacuum Cleaner is the ideal choice for an efficient, hassle-free cleaning experience.

what we like

  • Affordable price.
  • Easy setup and charging.
  • Adjustable vacuum strength and cleaning modes.
  • Good at picking up dirt, debris, and pet hair.
  • Efficient cleaning pattern on carpets and floors.

what we dont

  • Lacks advanced mapping and navigation, making it seem random.
  • Difficulty finding the charging base on its own.
  • May struggle with certain carpet patterns or obstacles.

iRobot Roomba i3 EVO: Tangle-Free Cleaning

q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B08C4JXBPF&Format= SL250 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=smarthomeness 20&language=en US Smart Homenessir?t=smarthomeness 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B08C4JXBPF Smart Homeness

If you’re looking for a robot vacuum that can handle long hair without getting tangled, the iRobot Roomba i3 EVO is an excellent choice. This robot vacuum comes with several features that make it ideal for cleaning long hair, including dual multi-surface rubber brushes that prevent tangling and a high-efficiency filter that captures 99% of pet allergens.

The iRobot Roomba i3 EVO also features a powerful suction system that can pick up even the tiniest of hair strands, as well as an edge-sweeping brush that cleans corners and edges effectively. Plus, it comes equipped with advanced sensors and mapping technology that allow it to navigate around obstacles and avoid getting stuck.

what we like

  • Dual multi-surface rubber brushes prevent tangling and work well on carpets and hard floors
  • High-efficiency filter captures pet allergens and other particles
  • Powerful suction system picks up even the tiniest of hair strands
  • Advanced sensors and mapping technology allow it to navigate around obstacles and avoid getting stuck
  • Compatible with Alexa and Google Assistant for voice control

what we dont

  • No mopping feature
  • Doesn’t come with a charging dock
  • Relatively loud compared to other robot vacuums

iRobot Roomba j7+: The Ultimate Pet Hair Solution

The iRobot Roomba j7+ is the ultimate robot vacuum for homes with pets that shed long hair. It has powerful suction and a tangle-resistant brush that easily lifts embedded hair from carpets and hard floors.

This smart vacuum uses iRobot OS to learn your home and create customized cleaning schedules. It can map multiple levels and allow you to set no-go zones to avoid messy pet areas. The precision navigation detects and avoids objects like pet toys and bowls.

One amazing feature is the “P.O.O.P. promise” – it will avoid pet accidents or iRobot will replace your vacuum for free! So you don’t have to worry about any messy cleanups if you have pets.

You can conveniently schedule and monitor cleans through the iRobot app. The j7+ also empties itself for 60 days – huge time savings! It will keep cleaning even when you’re away.

Overall, the j7+ is ideal for pet owners. It deep cleans carpets and floors, picking up all the hair your shedding furry friends leave behind. The tangle-free rollers make maintenance easy. With smart mapping and the self-emptying bin, the j7+ takes pet hair cleaning off your hands. It’s the ultimate robotic vacuum if you want powerful and convenient cleaning for a hair-free home.

what we like

  • Auto empty bin is very powerful
  • Overall cleaning seems pretty good
  • iRobot is a reliable brand with easy replacement parts
  • App works well with good features
  • Excellent obstacle avoidance

what we dont

  • Mapping takes a while and is not very accurate
  • Navigation is lackluster with no intelligible cleaning pattern
  • Hard floor pickup leaves something to be desired

Shark IQ Robot Vacuum AV1002AE: Incredible Suction and Self-Emptying Base

The Shark IQ Robot Vacuum is a great robotic vacuum option for homes with pets that shed long hair. It has incredible suction power that can deep clean carpets and hard floors, pulling up all that embedded pet fur.

This robot vacuum uses row-by-row cleaning so it systematically cleans each room for complete coverage. It maps your home and methodically works through each area. The multi-surface brushroll is designed to grab hair and debris from any floor type.

One of the best features is the XL self-emptying base. It can hold a month’s worth of hair, dust, and dander so you don’t have to constantly empty it out. The bagless base just needs to be periodically wiped clean.

The multi-stage filtration is perfect for capturing allergens from pet dander and hair. The Shark IQ has no trouble picking up even long strands of hair. It also recharges itself when needed and resumes cleaning right where it left off.

You can easily control the Shark IQ with voice commands or the app. Overall, this is an excellent robotic vacuum option for pet owners. It has the advanced navigation, strong suction, and self-emptying base needed to effectively clean up pet hair on carpets and hard floors.

what we like:

  • Efficient and excellent job cleaning floors
  • Self-cleaning brushroll saves time
  • Advanced navigation system
  • Powerful and efficient

what we dont

  • Setup process was complicated
  • App could be more user-friendly
  • XL Self-Empty Base takes up a lot of space

iRobot Roomba s9+: Unmatched Suction Power

q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B07QXM2V6X&Format= SL250 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=smarthomeness 20&language=en US Smart Homenessir?t=smarthomeness 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B07QXM2V6X Smart Homeness

The iRobot Roomba s9+ is a dream robot vacuum for homes with pets that shed long hair. It has 40x the suction power of previous Roomba models, so it can lift deeply embedded pet fur from carpets. The 3-stage cleaning system powerfully eliminates debris, dirt, and hair.

This vacuum has PerfectEdge technology to optimize cleaning along baseboards and into corners. The dual multi-surface rubber brushes flex to adjust to flooring and don’t tangle with hair. You can customize cleaning schedules and zones in the app.

One amazing feature is the automatic dirt disposal – the s9+ empties itself for up to 60 days! You don’t have to think about vacuuming for months. Just empty the enclosed bag when needed.

The s9+ learns the layout of your home and navigates efficiently in neat rows. It can spot clean messes as they happen so you don’t have to clean the whole house. The personalized suggestions powered by iRobot OS take vacuuming off your mind.

With powerful suction, specialized corner brushes, and the huge capacity self-emptying bin, the iRobot Roomba s9+ is ideal for homes with shedding pets. It can deep clean carpets and hard floors, picking up all traces of dirt, debris, and long hair. This smart robotic vacuum is a great solution for keeping floors hair-free.

what we like

  • Empties itself
  • Can schedule it to clean specific rooms
  • Can store multiple floor plan maps
  • Picks up fine cat hair on hardwood floors
  • Large filter collects a lot of dust

what we dont

  • Gets stuck frequently
  • Poor battery capacity for large areas
  • As loud as a regular vacuum

Beginner’s Guide to The Best Robot Vacuums for Long Hair

 1. What Are Robot Vacuums for Long Hair?

Robot vacuums for long hair, including the Best Roomba for Long Hair, are specialized autonomous cleaning devices designed to efficiently clean floors, carpets, and other surfaces while dealing effectively with the challenges posed by long hair. These innovative machines are equipped with advanced sensors, brushes, and suction mechanisms to tackle not only dirt and debris but also the hair that often accumulates in homes.

These robots come with various features like self-navigation, smart mapping, and app control—features you’d expect from the Best Robot Vacuum for Long Hair—making them a convenient addition to any household. They are particularly popular among pet owners and individuals with long hair, as they excel at picking up hair strands that tend to entangle traditional vacuums.

 2. Why Do You Need a Robot Vacuum for Long Hair?

If you have long hair or live with someone who does, you’re likely familiar with the constant battle against hair accumulation on floors, carpets, and furniture. Robot vacuums for long hair are designed to alleviate this issue by efficiently capturing and disposing of long hair strands. These devices are the answer to the age-old question: “Which Vacuum Doesn’t Get Clogged with Hair?”

These vacuums good for long hair not only save you time and effort but also help maintain a cleaner and healthier living environment. Long hair can be a breeding ground for dust mites and allergens, making regular cleaning essential for those with sensitivities or allergies.

Additionally, robot vacuums can reach tight spaces and under furniture, ensuring that no hair is left behind. Their automated operation means you can enjoy a cleaner home without the need for manual vacuuming.

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 3. Robot Vacuums for Long Hair vs. Traditional Vacuums

Robot vacuums for long hair offer several advantages over traditional vacuum cleaners. While traditional vacuums rely on manual operation, robot vacuums work autonomously, saving you time and effort. They can be programmed to clean on a schedule or controlled remotely through smartphone apps, including the Best Coredy Robot Vacuum.

These specialized robot vacuums are equipped with brushes and suction power designed to handle long hair effectively, preventing tangles and clogs that are common with traditional vacuums. They can also access tight spaces and navigate around obstacles, ensuring thorough cleaning.

Moreover, robot vacuums can return to their charging stations automatically, so they are always ready for the next cleaning session. Traditional vacuums typically require more maintenance and storage space.

 4. How Robot Vacuums for Long Hair Work

Robot vacuums for long hair employ a combination of advanced technologies to efficiently clean floors and carpets. Here’s how they work:

  • Sensors: These devices are equipped with sensors that detect obstacles and cliffs, allowing them to navigate around furniture and avoid falling down stairs.
  • Brushes: Robot vacuums come with specialized brushes, including rubberized and bristle brushes, designed to agitate and collect dirt, debris, and long hair from various surfaces.
  • Suction Power: High-powered motors generate strong suction to pick up and contain dirt, dust, and hair within a dustbin or dirt compartment.
  • Smart Mapping: Many robot vacuums utilize mapping technology to create a virtual map of your home. This enables them to clean in an organized and efficient manner, covering every area.
  • App Control: Most robot vacuums can be controlled via smartphone apps, allowing you to start, stop, schedule, and customize cleaning sessions from anywhere, even with the Best Eufy for Pet Hair.
  • Self-Charging: When the robot vacuum’s battery runs low or it completes a cleaning cycle, it automatically returns to its charging dock to recharge.
  • HEPA Filters: Some models are equipped with HEPA filters to trap allergens and improve indoor air quality.

 5. How Long Will a Robot Vacuum for Long Hair Last?


The lifespan of a robot vacuum for long hair can vary depending on several factors, including the brand, model, usage, and maintenance. On average, these devices can last anywhere from 2 to 5 years or more with proper care.

To extend the lifespan of your robot vacuum, it’s essential to:

– Regularly clean the brushes and filters.

– Empty the dustbin after each use.

– Keep the sensors and charging contacts clean.

– Avoid overworking the vacuum with excessive cleaning cycles.

While the initial investment in a high-quality robot vacuum may seem steep, it can be a cost-effective choice over time compared to repeatedly purchasing traditional vacuums.

 6. Is a Robot Vacuum for Long Hair Worth Buying?

Investing in a robot vacuum for long hair can be well worth it for individuals who find themselves constantly battling hair accumulation on floors and carpets. These devices offer several benefits, including:

  1. Time and Effort Savings: Robot vacuums work autonomously, saving you the time and effort required for manual vacuuming.
  1. Effective Long Hair Removal: They are specifically designed to handle long hair without getting clogged or tangled.
  1. Convenient Scheduling: You can set them to clean on a schedule that suits your lifestyle.
  1. Improved Indoor Air Quality: Some models feature HEPA filters, enhancing the air quality in your home.
  1. Accessibility: Robot vacuums can reach under furniture and tight spaces that traditional vacuums may struggle with.

However, it’s essential to consider your specific needs and budget before making a purchase. While robot vacuums offer convenience, they may not replace traditional vacuums entirely, as they may have limitations in terms of deep cleaning or handling very high-pile carpets.

 7. Why a Robot Vacuum for Long Hair May Not Be For You

While robot vacuums for long hair offer numerous advantages, they may not be suitable for everyone. Here are some reasons why they might not be the right choice for you:

Initial Cost: High-quality robot vacuums can be relatively expensive, and the initial investment may not fit everyone’s budget.

Maintenance: While robot vacuums require less manual effort for cleaning, they still need regular maintenance, such as cleaning the brushes and filters.

Complexity: Some individuals may find the setup and operation of robot vacuums, including app control and scheduling, to be overly complex.

Specific Cleaning Needs: If you have specialized cleaning requirements, such as deep carpet cleaning or cleaning multiple floors, a traditional vacuum may be more suitable.


we’ll walk you through key factors to consider when selecting the best robot vacuum to tackle long hair with ease.”


When searching for the best robot vacuum for long hair, it’s essential to set a budget that aligns with your financial comfort. Robot vacuums come in various price ranges, from affordable options to high-end models with advanced features. Determine how much you’re willing to spend to narrow down your choices and find a vacuum that meets both your cleaning needs and budget constraints.

Vacuum Technology:

Robot vacuums employ different cleaning technologies. Some models use spinning brushes, while others utilize rubberized rollers. Consider a vacuum with rubberized brushes as they are more effective in preventing long hair from tangling. Additionally, look for models with multi-surface adaptability, ensuring they can clean both hard floors and carpets efficiently.

Suction Power:

The suction power of a robot vacuum is crucial for effective long hair removal. Opt for a model with strong suction to ensure it can pick up not only dirt and debris but also those pesky long hair strands. High suction power is essential for preventing clogs and maintaining cleaning performance.


Check the dustbin or dirt compartment capacity of the robot vacuum. A larger capacity means it can collect more debris and hair before needing to be emptied. This is especially important if you have a larger home or multiple pets that shed.

Object Avoidance:

Choose a robot vacuum with reliable object avoidance technology. Advanced sensors help the vacuum navigate around furniture, obstacles, and potential hazards, preventing collisions and ensuring thorough cleaning without getting stuck.

Noise Level:

Consider the noise level of the robot vacuum, especially if you plan to run it while you’re at home. Quieter models are less disruptive and allow for a more peaceful coexistence with your cleaning assistant.

Reliable Mapping:

Look for a robot vacuum with smart mapping capabilities. Reliable mapping ensures that the vacuum covers your entire space efficiently and avoids redundant cleaning of the same areas. This feature can save time and battery life.

Easy-to-Use App:

An easy-to-use smartphone app is a valuable addition to your robot vacuum. It allows you to control and schedule cleaning sessions, monitor battery status, and even receive notifications when it’s time to empty the dustbin. User-friendly apps enhance the overall user experience.

Good Battery Life:

A robot vacuum with a long-lasting battery is essential, especially for larger homes. Longer battery life means the vacuum can clean more area on a single charge, reducing the need for frequent recharging and ensuring consistent cleaning performance.

An Auto-Empty Dock:

Some high-end robot vacuums come with auto-empty docks. These docks automatically empty the vacuum’s dustbin into a larger container, reducing maintenance and ensuring that the vacuum can continue cleaning without interruption.


While not often considered, the repairability of a robot vacuum can be crucial for long-term ownership. Check if replacement parts and repair services are readily available for the model you choose. A vacuum that can be easily repaired can extend its lifespan and save you money on replacement costs.

FAQ About the Best Robot Vacuum for Long Hair

Do Robot Vacuums Pick up Long Hair?

Yes, most modern robot vacuums are designed to effectively pick up long hair. Models like the u003ca href=u0022https://www.amazon.com/Roborock-Q5-Upgraded-Navigation-Multi-Level/dp/B09N3JKFFY?th=1u0026amp;linkCode=ll1u0026amp;tag=smarthomeness-20u0026amp;linkId=8b276168c1c44ee2ada74f519fcea7cbu0026amp;language=en_USu0026amp;ref_=as_li_ss_tlu0022 data-type=u0022linku0022 data-id=u0022https://www.amazon.com/Roborock-Q5-Upgraded-Navigation-Multi-Level/dp/B09N3JKFFY?th=1u0026amp;linkCode=ll1u0026amp;tag=smarthomeness-20u0026amp;linkId=8b276168c1c44ee2ada74f519fcea7cbu0026amp;language=en_USu0026amp;ref_=as_li_ss_tlu0022u003eRoborock Q5 u003c/au003eand u003ca href=u0022https://www.amazon.com/iRobot-Roomba-Self-Emptying-Robot-Vacuum/dp/B094NYHTMF?u0026amp;linkCode=ll1u0026amp;tag=smarthomeness-20u0026amp;linkId=0117065fcf0cf24dca4a79945677ee36u0026amp;language=en_USu0026amp;ref_=as_li_ss_tlu0022 data-type=u0022linku0022 data-id=u0022https://www.amazon.com/iRobot-Roomba-Self-Emptying-Robot-Vacuum/dp/B094NYHTMF?u0026amp;linkCode=ll1u0026amp;tag=smarthomeness-20u0026amp;linkId=0117065fcf0cf24dca4a79945677ee36u0026amp;language=en_USu0026amp;ref_=as_li_ss_tlu0022u003eiRobot Roomba j7+ u003c/au003euse anti-tangle brushes and powerful suction to lift and collect long strands from carpets and hard floors. The key is finding a robot vacuum with the right features to handle long hair.

Can You Vacuum up Human Hair? 

Absolutely. Robot vacuums can vacuum up human hair from floors, carpets, furniture, and more. Models with enough suction power like u003ca href=u0022https://www.amazon.com/Shark-AV1002AE-Self-Empty-Powerful-0-17-Quarts/dp/B08C74PLHP?u0026amp;linkCode=ll1u0026amp;tag=smarthomeness-20u0026amp;linkId=2541de7fed54e6272eea1ebb14f8d999u0026amp;language=en_USu0026amp;ref_=as_li_ss_tlu0022 data-type=u0022linku0022 data-id=u0022https://www.amazon.com/Shark-AV1002AE-Self-Empty-Powerful-0-17-Quarts/dp/B08C74PLHP?u0026amp;linkCode=ll1u0026amp;tag=smarthomeness-20u0026amp;linkId=2541de7fed54e6272eea1ebb14f8d999u0026amp;language=en_USu0026amp;ref_=as_li_ss_tlu0022u003ethe Shark IQ Robot Vacuumu003c/au003e are ideal for human hair. The tangle-free brush design also prevents clogs from long strands. Just empty the dustbin regularly to remove collected hair.

Which Robot Vacuum Is Best for Human Hair?

u003ca href=u0022https://www.amazon.com/iRobot-Roomba-Self-Emptying-Robot-Vacuum/dp/B094NYHTMF?u0026amp;linkCode=ll1u0026amp;tag=smarthomeness-20u0026amp;linkId=0117065fcf0cf24dca4a79945677ee36u0026amp;language=en_USu0026amp;ref_=as_li_ss_tlu0022 data-type=u0022linku0022 data-id=u0022https://www.amazon.com/iRobot-Roomba-Self-Emptying-Robot-Vacuum/dp/B094NYHTMF?u0026amp;linkCode=ll1u0026amp;tag=smarthomeness-20u0026amp;linkId=0117065fcf0cf24dca4a79945677ee36u0026amp;language=en_USu0026amp;ref_=as_li_ss_tlu0022u003eThe iRobot Roomba j7+u003c/au003e is one of the best robot vacuums for human hair. It has a specialized anti-tangle brush that prevents long strands from wrapping around it. The strong suction lifts embedded hair. Smart navigation avoids getting stuck on hazards. And the self-emptying base holds 60 days of dirt and hair so you don’t have to empty it manually.

Which Robot Is Best for Pet Hair?

For pet hair,u003ca href=u0022https://www.amazon.com/iRobot-Roomba-Emptying-Robot-Vacuum/dp/B07QXM2V6X?u0026amp;linkCode=ll1u0026amp;tag=smarthomeness-20u0026amp;linkId=f32058fe5a66432a10aaca837acfc64eu0026amp;language=en_USu0026amp;ref_=as_li_ss_tlu0022 data-type=u0022linku0022 data-id=u0022https://www.amazon.com/iRobot-Roomba-Emptying-Robot-Vacuum/dp/B07QXM2V6X?u0026amp;linkCode=ll1u0026amp;tag=smarthomeness-20u0026amp;linkId=f32058fe5a66432a10aaca837acfc64eu0026amp;language=en_USu0026amp;ref_=as_li_ss_tlu0022u003e the iRobot Roomba s9+u003c/au003e is a top pick. It has 40x more suction power than previous Roombas to deep clean and remove pet fur. The rubber brushes flex to maintain contact on floors and prevent tangles. The u003ca href=u0022https://www.amazon.com/iRobot-Roomba-Emptying-Robot-Vacuum/dp/B07QXM2V6X?u0026amp;linkCode=ll1u0026amp;tag=smarthomeness-20u0026amp;linkId=f32058fe5a66432a10aaca837acfc64eu0026amp;language=en_USu0026amp;ref_=as_li_ss_tlu0022 data-type=u0022linku0022 data-id=u0022https://www.amazon.com/iRobot-Roomba-Emptying-Robot-Vacuum/dp/B07QXM2V6X?u0026amp;linkCode=ll1u0026amp;tag=smarthomeness-20u0026amp;linkId=f32058fe5a66432a10aaca837acfc64eu0026amp;language=en_USu0026amp;ref_=as_li_ss_tlu0022u003es9+u003c/au003e learns your home’s layout to clean efficiently in neat rows. And the auto-emptying base is great for pet owners.

How Do Robot Vacuums Handle Thick and Long Hair?

Robot vacuums tackle thick and long hair through features like anti-tangle rubber brushes, strong suction power, and large dust bins. Models like u003ca href=u0022https://www.amazon.com/ILIFE-Robotic-Powerful-Tangle-free-Planning/dp/B06Y56NDF4?th=1u0026amp;linkCode=ll1u0026amp;tag=smarthomeness-20u0026amp;linkId=6d0122e73c7bbdd73cc026dbf35a225du0026amp;language=en_USu0026amp;ref_=as_li_ss_tlu0022 data-type=u0022linku0022 data-id=u0022https://www.amazon.com/ILIFE-Robotic-Powerful-Tangle-free-Planning/dp/B06Y56NDF4?th=1u0026amp;linkCode=ll1u0026amp;tag=smarthomeness-20u0026amp;linkId=6d0122e73c7bbdd73cc026dbf35a225du0026amp;language=en_USu0026amp;ref_=as_li_ss_tlu0022u003ethe ILIFE V3S Prou003c/au003e use rubberized rollers to collect hair without tangling. Powerful suction ensures even thick strands get picked up. And large dust bins provide more storage before needing to be emptied.

Which Robot Vacuum Is The Best For Thick, Long Hair?

The Roborock S5 Max is a top pick for thick, long hair. It has ultra-strong 2000Pa suction power to lift embedded strands from carpets. The large 640ml dustbin provides plenty of capacity to hold thick hair. And the anti-tangle main brush uses durable rubber instead of bristles to prevent tangled clumps of hair.

Does Roomba Pick up Human Hair?

Yes, Roomba robot vacuums are designed to effectively pick up human hair. Top-of-the-line models like u003ca href=u0022https://www.amazon.com/iRobot-Roomba-Self-Emptying-Robot-Vacuum/dp/B094NYHTMF?u0026amp;linkCode=ll1u0026amp;tag=smarthomeness-20u0026amp;linkId=0117065fcf0cf24dca4a79945677ee36u0026amp;language=en_USu0026amp;ref_=as_li_ss_tlu0022 data-type=u0022linku0022 data-id=u0022https://www.amazon.com/iRobot-Roomba-Self-Emptying-Robot-Vacuum/dp/B094NYHTMF?u0026amp;linkCode=ll1u0026amp;tag=smarthomeness-20u0026amp;linkId=0117065fcf0cf24dca4a79945677ee36u0026amp;language=en_USu0026amp;ref_=as_li_ss_tlu0022u003ethe Roomba j7+u003c/au003e and u003ca href=u0022https://www.amazon.com/iRobot-Roomba-Emptying-Robot-Vacuum/dp/B07QXM2V6X?u0026amp;linkCode=ll1u0026amp;tag=smarthomeness-20u0026amp;linkId=f32058fe5a66432a10aaca837acfc64eu0026amp;language=en_USu0026amp;ref_=as_li_ss_tlu0022 data-type=u0022linku0022 data-id=u0022https://www.amazon.com/iRobot-Roomba-Emptying-Robot-Vacuum/dp/B07QXM2V6X?u0026amp;linkCode=ll1u0026amp;tag=smarthomeness-20u0026amp;linkId=f32058fe5a66432a10aaca837acfc64eu0026amp;language=en_USu0026amp;ref_=as_li_ss_tlu0022u003es9+u003c/au003e use specialized brushes and powerful suction optimized for human hair. Roomba’s tangle-free extractors grab long strands without getting wrapped up or clogged during cleaning.

What is the best robot vacuum for long human hair? 

The u003ca href=u0022https://www.amazon.com/iRobot-Roomba-Emptying-Robot-Vacuum/dp/B07QXM2V6X?u0026amp;linkCode=ll1u0026amp;tag=smarthomeness-20u0026amp;linkId=f32058fe5a66432a10aaca837acfc64eu0026amp;language=en_USu0026amp;ref_=as_li_ss_tlu0022 data-type=u0022linku0022 data-id=u0022https://www.amazon.com/iRobot-Roomba-Emptying-Robot-Vacuum/dp/B07QXM2V6X?u0026amp;linkCode=ll1u0026amp;tag=smarthomeness-20u0026amp;linkId=f32058fe5a66432a10aaca837acfc64eu0026amp;language=en_USu0026amp;ref_=as_li_ss_tlu0022u003eiRobot Roomba s9+ u003c/au003eis one of the best robot vacuums for long human hair. It has 40x more suction power than previous models to lift strands from deep in carpets. The anti-tangle rubber brushes prevent wrapping or clogs. And the automatic dirt disposal means you don’t have to empty hair and debris for months at a time.

Which Brand Makes The Best Robot Vacuums For Pet Hair?

iRobot makes some of the best robot vacuums for tackling pet hair. u003ca href=u0022https://www.amazon.com/iRobot-Roomba-Self-Emptying-Robot-Vacuum/dp/B094NYHTMF?u0026amp;linkCode=ll1u0026amp;tag=smarthomeness-20u0026amp;linkId=0117065fcf0cf24dca4a79945677ee36u0026amp;language=en_USu0026amp;ref_=as_li_ss_tlu0022 data-type=u0022linku0022 data-id=u0022https://www.amazon.com/iRobot-Roomba-Self-Emptying-Robot-Vacuum/dp/B094NYHTMF?u0026amp;linkCode=ll1u0026amp;tag=smarthomeness-20u0026amp;linkId=0117065fcf0cf24dca4a79945677ee36u0026amp;language=en_USu0026amp;ref_=as_li_ss_tlu0022u003eThe Roomba j7+u003c/au003e and u003ca href=u0022https://www.amazon.com/iRobot-Roomba-Emptying-Robot-Vacuum/dp/B07QXM2V6X?u0026amp;linkCode=ll1u0026amp;tag=smarthomeness-20u0026amp;linkId=f32058fe5a66432a10aaca837acfc64eu0026amp;language=en_USu0026amp;ref_=as_li_ss_tlu0022 data-type=u0022linku0022 data-id=u0022https://www.amazon.com/iRobot-Roomba-Emptying-Robot-Vacuum/dp/B07QXM2V6X?u0026amp;linkCode=ll1u0026amp;tag=smarthomeness-20u0026amp;linkId=f32058fe5a66432a10aaca837acfc64eu0026amp;language=en_USu0026amp;ref_=as_li_ss_tlu0022u003es9+ u003c/au003emodels stand out with features like high suction power, anti-tangle rubber brushes, edge cleaning tools, and automatic dirt disposal that make quick work of pet fur. iRobot’s advanced navigation also helps the vacuums clean efficiently.

Can long hair break a vacuum?

Long hair is unlikely to break a modern robot vacuum. Most are designed to handle long strands without issue. Features like anti-tangle brushes, rubber extractors, and durable components prevent long hair from causing mechanical damage or failure. Proper maintenance helps too.

Is there a vacuum that hair doesn’t wrap around?

Yes, many robot vacuums now come with tangle-free brushes specifically designed so hair doesn’t wrap around them. For example, the u003ca href=u0022https://www.amazon.com/Shark-AV1002AE-Self-Empty-Powerful-0-17-Quarts/dp/B08C74PLHP?u0026amp;linkCode=ll1u0026amp;tag=smarthomeness-20u0026amp;linkId=2541de7fed54e6272eea1ebb14f8d999u0026amp;language=en_USu0026amp;ref_=as_li_ss_tlu0022 data-type=u0022linku0022 data-id=u0022https://www.amazon.com/Shark-AV1002AE-Self-Empty-Powerful-0-17-Quarts/dp/B08C74PLHP?u0026amp;linkCode=ll1u0026amp;tag=smarthomeness-20u0026amp;linkId=2541de7fed54e6272eea1ebb14f8d999u0026amp;language=en_USu0026amp;ref_=as_li_ss_tlu0022u003eShark IQ AV1002AEu003c/au003e has an anti-tangle self-cleaning brushroll to prevent hair wrap. iRobot Roomba models also use extractors made to avoid hair tangling within the vacuums.

Do Robot Vacuums Work With Hair?

Absolutely. Robot vacuums are engineered to work effectively with hair. Their brushes, suction power, dust bins, and other components are optimized to pick up and contain all types of hair. Pet hair, human hair, thick or fine strands – robot vacuums like u003ca href=u0022https://www.amazon.com/iRobot-Roomba-Self-Emptying-Robot-Vacuum/dp/B094NYHTMF?u0026amp;linkCode=ll1u0026amp;tag=smarthomeness-20u0026amp;linkId=0117065fcf0cf24dca4a79945677ee36u0026amp;language=en_USu0026amp;ref_=as_li_ss_tlu0022 data-type=u0022linku0022 data-id=u0022https://www.amazon.com/iRobot-Roomba-Self-Emptying-Robot-Vacuum/dp/B094NYHTMF?u0026amp;linkCode=ll1u0026amp;tag=smarthomeness-20u0026amp;linkId=0117065fcf0cf24dca4a79945677ee36u0026amp;language=en_USu0026amp;ref_=as_li_ss_tlu0022u003ethe iRobot Roomba j7+u003c/au003e handle it with ease.

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