Roomba Vs Roborock: Which Is Better?


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Roomba Vs Roborock

Most of the time, we don’t have enough time to do even the most basic tasks. Technology has improved enough that there are now ways to solve that problem. For example, robot vacuums can now work with very little supervision and still do a great job.

Roomba Vs Roborock are two of the most well-known companies that make these helpful tools. Each brand has its benefits, and it can be hard to choose between the products they offer. In this article, we’ll compare these two top-of-the-line robotic vacuums and list their features to choose the best one.


Roomba is a well-known brand and the first robot vacuum that saves time. Roombas are the most costly option, with the most recent model costing up to $1,000. Still, this could be a good choice if you want a robotic vacuum that does the job with little fuss and as much automation as possible.

Roomba pros

  • Robotic Roomba vacuums get good marks for how well they clean. Users with pets say that it cleans well, even in carpets with a deep pile. A lithium-ion battery, a three-stage cleaning system, and strong suction mean that the time it takes to clean is longer and better.
  • With a Roomba that empties itself, you don’t have to touch it for up to 60 days. Roombas can even connect to your smart speakers and virtual assistants. This helps them “learn” how to clean, so they can pretty much clean themselves.
  • One of the best parts is that you can tell them what to do with your voice. Did the baby throw some crackers to the floor? All you have to do is tell the Roomba where to clean, and the crackers will disappear.

Roomba cons

  • The most expensive Roomba vacuums are still the biggest problem with them.
  • Like other complicated electronics, the extra features can sometimes cause problems. Some things that can go wrong with a Roomba are navigation, app integration, and docking in the charger.

Read more: Do Roombas Fall Down Stairs [How to Avoid It]


The Roborock is the latest robot vacuum to try to take over the market. The Roborock came out in 2014, and its price is between the Eufy and the Roomba. However, in terms of characteristics and functionality, it stands independently.

There are two series of Roborock: the S and the E. The S series is more focused on performance, while the E series has more options that won’t break the bank. Prices should be between $250 and $600.

Roborock pros

  • The Roborock does a great job mapping and navigating on many levels. The Roborock runs quietly, with a hum that is hard to hear.
  • The best thing about the Roborock is that it works well with pet hair. Users say it cleans and suctions well, even on carpets with many piles.
  • The price of this robotic vacuum is also a plus, especially since it works with virtual assistants and can be controlled by an app.

Roborock cons

  • Users say mapping doesn’t work well for big houses and that customer service isn’t very good when bugs are reported. Some people could find it difficult to follow user instructions.

Roomba Vs Roborock: What’s Different?

A few come to mind when you think about the big differences between Roborock and Roomba. Beginning. In Bedford, Massachusetts, and the United States, Roomba vacuums are made. The main office for Roborock vacuums is in Beijing, with R&D and branch offices in both Shanghai and Shenzhen.

Background. Roomba, made by iRobot, has been around since 1990. It is part of a long line of smarter vacuums. Roborock began in the year 2014. Technology.

Most of the time, Roomba technology makes better suction and cleaning power vacuums. Roborock, on the other hand, has much better navigation and 2-in-1 vacuums that can both vacuum and mop.

Roborock Models

Roborock is a Chinese company that is known for making cleaners that can both vacuum and mop at the same time. Also, their newer models are very easy to control and are a great alternative to the usually more expensive Roomba.

S and E are Roborock’s two main collections. The S Series has an extensive range of styles with different prices and different levels of performance. The E Series is meant to be a line of robotic vacuum cleaners for people who want to save money. It has a lower price and fewer features.

Roomba Models

The first Roomba robot vacuum cleaner came out in 2002, and the first robot mop didn’t come out until 2004. There have been many variants that have come and gone.

Comparing Roomba and Roborock

So, when comparing Roomba to Roborock, there are a lot of different options to consider at the same time. Let’s watch what each brand has to offer. To find the best robot vacuum cleaner for your needs, you should start by listing the most important things you want from one. Both the Roomba and the Roborock have several smart features.

Here’s how several of the best characteristics compare to each other:

1. Digital Mapping

While they clean, both Roomba and Roborock make electronic maps. These maps are made by a mobile phone app, showing a very accurate area map. Either app can see where the vacuum is cleaning in real-time and find any trouble spots.

Keep in mind that only the latest models of Roomba and Roborock have electronic mapping features. This means the S-series from Roborock and the i7+ and S9+ from Roomba. You can also block off rooms you don’t want the vacuum to clean with the apps. Premium models can also clean high-pile carpets and pet hair and cleaning spots.

2. Dustbins that empty themselves

Between Roborock and Roomba, Roomba is the only line with a dust bin that empties itself. The S9+ and the i7+ have this high-tech feature, which impressed me during our tests.

3. Vacuum & Mop Combos

Roomba and Roborock each have their way of sweeping and vacuuming. Even with a few area rugs in the living room, they work not only on hardwood floors but also on laminate or tile flooring. Roborock sells tools that can do both jobs at the same time. They vacuum and mop in one cleaning cycle, so you don’t have to worry about different robots.

4. Use smart integration

The Roomba and the Roborock have an easy-to-use smart home app that gives each vacuum cleaner more settings and features. You can also use your phone or an AI like Amazon Alexa, Google, or Apple HomeKit to control the vacuum or set it up.


This is a comparison list, so the best thing to do when selecting a new robotic vacuum is to choose a model that fits your needs. So, it’s clear that Roborock has a clear advantage over its rivals. Sure, some Roomba models have bigger dustbins and can vacant them independently, but Roborock makes up for it with its many features.

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