Can Roomba Go Over Rugs: Ultimate Guide on Roomba and Rugs


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a man controlling a robot vacuum cleaner (can Roomba go over rugs)

Can your Roomba robot vacuum really handle those plush rugs in your home? With a myriad of rug types and styles out there, it’s natural to wonder if Roomba’s low profile design can clear thicker rugs or get tangled in fringes. We’ve researched the ins and outs of using Roomba on rugs of all kinds – from area rugs to high-pile carpets. 

Discover Roomba’s rug climbing capabilities, which features optimize rug cleaning, tips to prep rugs for Roomba, and how to schedule cleaning around rugs. With the right guidelines, Roomba can safely navigate most standard rugs while keeping them free of dust, debris, and pet hair

Let’s dive in to demystify using Roomba robot vacuums on rugs.

What is Roomba, and How Does It Work?

The Roomba is a semi-autonomous robotic vacuum cleaner introduced in 2002 by iRobot. It is designed to clean floors and carpets with minimal human intervention. The Roomba uses a combination of sensors, brushes, and a vacuum to perform its cleaning tasks. Here’s how it works:

  1. Navigation: Roombas have a set of sensors that enable them to navigate the floor area of a home. These sensors can detect obstacles, dirty spots on the floor, and steep drops (e.g., stairs).
  2. Cleaning Patterns: Basic Roomba models use a random pattern to clean the floor, changing direction when they encounter an obstacle. More advanced models can learn a floor plan over time and offer more options.
  3. Dirt Detection: Roombas have a piezoelectric sensor that sends electrical impulses when it touches dirt. If it doesn’t find any dirt after a set distance, it will return to its dock; otherwise, it will continue cleaning until its battery is low.
  4. Suction Power: While Roombas don’t have the suction power of standard vacuum cleaners, they are effective at picking up everyday dirt, dust, and debris from hardwood or tile surfaces. More advanced models include carpet brushes for cleaning carpets effectively.
  5. Automation: Roombas can learn your cleaning schedule and make suggestions. Some models can even create a floor plan of your home over time.

Roombas are ideal for maintaining a base level of cleanliness in your home, especially in harder-to-reach areas or areas with regular foot traffic. They’re also popular among allergy sufferers for removing pollen and pet dander.

Can Roomba Go Over Rugs?

Yes, Roombas can go over most flat and low- to medium-pile rugs. However, for shag rugs and rugs with fringes and tassels, the Roomba will likely get stuck and fail to work.

The difference in height between a carpet and a rug or a wooden floor and rug is much more of a bump than a threshold. And once again, as long as that difference is less than 1.6 cm, then your Roomba should not have a problem with it.

However, thick rugs and carpets tend to be “deeper” than 1.6 cm and so it is easy for a Roomba to get stuck because the wheels get stuck in the strands. Earlier Roomba models (such as the 400 and 600 series) had bristle rollers that got caught on the carpet fibers. 

Later Roomba models have rubber rollers that are much better at not getting stuck. Roombas that have Carpet Boost and Power Boost can do a better job of cleaning rugs and carpets than older models that are designed primarily for hardwood floors and bare surfaces.

We have covered topic on “can robot vacuum cleaner go over thresholds“. You can read it for more reference.

Can Roomba Go Over Bumps In Rugs and Carpets?

Yes, Roomba can go over bumps in rugs and carpets to some extent, but its ability to do so depends on the height and nature of the bump.

Roomba models typically have a maximum threshold for climbing over bumps or obstacles. This threshold is usually around 0.75 inches (19mm) for most models, but it can vary slightly between different Roomba models. If a bump in a rug or carpet is within this height limit, Roomba will generally be able to navigate over it.

However, there are some factors that can affect Roomba’s ability to go over bumps effectively:

1. Bump height: As mentioned, Roomba can handle bumps up to a certain height. If the bump is higher than the threshold, Roomba may struggle to go over it or get stuck.

2. Carpet thickness and type: Thicker carpets or those with a high pile can create larger and more challenging bumps for Roomba to navigate. Low-pile carpets or rugs are generally easier for Roomba to traverse.

3. Carpet fringes or tassels: If your rug has fringes or tassels at the edges, Roomba might get tangled in them or avoid the rug altogether to prevent entanglement.

4. Condition of the brushes: Roomba’s cleaning brushes may have difficulty agitating and navigating over bumps if they are clogged or worn out.

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Tips for Using Roomba on Rugs

Here are direct tips for using Roomba on rugs:

  1. Check Bump Height: Ensure that the rug’s edges or any raised portions don’t exceed Roomba’s maximum bump height, usually around 0.75 inches (19mm), to avoid navigation issues.
  2. Secure Rug Corners: Prevent Roomba from flipping up rug corners by securing them to the floor.
  3. Watch for Tassels and Fringes: Tuck rug tassels and fringes under the rug or use barriers like tape to prevent them from tangling in Roomba’s brushes.
  4. Set Up Barriers: Use virtual walls or physical barriers to define Roomba’s cleaning area and keep it away from problematic rugs if necessary.
  5. Use Carpet Boost (if available): Enable the “carpet boost” feature on applicable Roomba models to enhance cleaning effectiveness on carpets and rugs.
  6. Regular Maintenance: Clean Roomba’s brushes and rollers frequently to ensure efficient rug cleaning.
  7. Observe Cleaning Patterns: Monitor Roomba’s navigation on the rug. If it struggles or gets stuck in certain areas, consider adjusting its schedule or using spot cleaning mode for those spots.
  8. Supervise Initially: When using Roomba on a new rug, supervise its cleaning to ensure successful navigation and prevent any potential issues or damage.

How to Make Your Roomba Avoid Rugs?

To make your Roomba avoid rugs, you can try the following methods:

  • Method 1: Use Virtual Walls: Some Roomba models come with a device called a virtual wall that creates an invisible barrier using infrared signals. You can place the virtual wall around the perimeter of your rug or carpet, and Roomba will not be able to enter that area.
  • Method 2: Create Physical Barriers: Another option is to create physical barriers around your rug or carpet. You can use furniture, such as a couch or coffee table, to block Roomba from going into the rug area. Alternatively, you can use tape or other adhesive materials to create a barrier on the floor.
  • Method 3: Use the Spot Cleaning Feature: Roomba has a spot-cleaning feature that allows you to direct the robot to a specific area for a more thorough cleaning. You can use this feature to clean the area around your rug without having to worry about your Roomba cleaning the rug itself.
  • Method 4: Use the Scheduling Feature: Roomba has a scheduling feature that allows you to set specific times for it to clean your home. With this feature, you can plan the cleaning schedule around your availability and habits. This means that you can schedule it to clean at a time when you know you will not be using your rug or carpet.

Remember, while these methods can help prevent Roomba from going over rugs, it’s always a good idea to test your Roomba on a small area of the rug before running it over the entire surface. This way, you can ensure that it can navigate the rug without getting stuck or causing any damage.

How to Ensure Your Roomba Cleans Rugs Effectively?

To ensure your Roomba cleans rugs effectively, you can follow these tips:

  1. Keep the rug surface clean: Before running your Roomba on a rug, remove any loose dirt, debris, or pet hair from the rug. This will help prevent clogging and ensure optimal cleaning performance.
  2. Secure the rug: If the rug tends to slide or bunch up, use rug grippers or double-sided tape to secure it in place. This will help prevent the rug from moving during the cleaning process and ensure thorough cleaning.
  3. Clear obstacles: Remove any obstacles or small items from the rug that may interfere with the Roomba’s movement. This includes toys, cables, or any other objects that could get tangled in the Roomba’s brushes.
  4. Regular maintenance: Clean the Roomba’s brushes and sensors regularly to ensure optimal performance. This includes removing any hair or debris that may have accumulated on the brushes and wiping the sensors to prevent false readings.
  5. Test different cleaning modes: Some Roomba models have different cleaning modes for different floor types. Test different modes on your rug to find the one that provides the best cleaning performance.
  6. Consider using Virtual Walls: If you want to limit the Roomba’s cleaning area to specific rugs, you can use Virtual Walls. These devices create an invisible barrier that prevents the Roomba from entering certain areas.
  7. Follow manufacturer’s instructions: Always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for your specific Roomba model. They may provide additional tips or recommendations for cleaning rugs effectively.

Can Roomba Go Over Rugs with Fringe?

Yes, Roombas can go over most flat and low- to medium-pile rugs. However, for rugs with fringes and tassels, the Roomba may get tangled or stuck. 

The length of the fringe is an important factor to consider. If the fringe is longer than a few inches, the Roomba may have trouble with tangling and get caught on the rug¹. Some users have reported that the newer models with more powerful suction are more likely to pull out and tear the fringes.

To effectively deal with fringe, you can try the following:

  • Roll up the sides with fringes: This helps hide the fringes away from the Roomba, allowing it to bump off and change direction without causing any trouble.
  • Tape down the fringes: You can use large-width masking tape to tape down the fringes temporarily while vacuuming. Remember to remove the tape once you are done.

Does Roomba Mop Avoid Rugs?

Yes, the Roomba mopping robots are specifically designed to avoid mopping over rugs and carpets when in mopping mode

This allows them to safely mop hard surface floors without getting carpets and rugs wet. The advanced sensors, mapping, and navigation algorithms make rug and carpet avoidance an integral feature of Roomba mopping robots.

The Roomba mopping robots, including the Roomba j7+ and s9+ models, do have the ability to avoid mopping rugs and carpets. The robots use special sensors and mapping technology to identify rugs and carpets, and when in mopping mode will avoid cleaning those surfaces with water. 

Specifically, the Roomba mopping robots use vSLAM navigation technology to create smart maps of the home. Using the cameras on the robot, it can visually identify rugs and carpets and mark their locations on the map. When mopping, the robot will use this map to know the exact location of rugs and avoid mopping over them.

In addition, the Roomba j7+ and s9+ models have special carpet detection sensors underneath. These sensors can feel the difference between bare floors and the higher pile of rugs and carpets. They work in conjunction with the vSLAM mapping to precisely identify carpeted surfaces and avoid them when mopping.

Can Roomba Damage Rugs?

Yes, Roombas can damage rugs if the rug is old, has loose fibers, or has fringes and tassels. Roombas have been known to rip out loose fibers, cause spotty patches, and occasionally completely destroy carpets and rugs.

They also have a chance of getting caught on the frills of a rug, tearing your investment apart at the seams. However, Roombas are typically okay with most carpets. It’s best to avoid using Roombas on high-pile rugs, which can cause them to get stuck or fail to work properly. To avoid damage to your rugs, it’s recommended to use a traditional vacuum cleaner or professional cleaning services for deep cleaning.

What Types of Rugs Can Roomba Clean?

Roomba robotic vacuums can clean most common rug types, including:

  • Low pile rugs – Roombas work well on rugs with low pile or woven flat rugs that allow the brushrolls to reach the debris underneath. This includes cotton, synthetic, braided, and woven rugs.
  • Medium pile rugs – Rugs with a medium pile height are also good candidates for Roomba cleaning. The robot’s brushes can still agitate and extract dirt on many polyester, wool, or shag rugs.
  • Small area rugs – Roombas excel at cleaning smaller area rugs around 3×5 feet or less. Their compact size allows them to maneuver and cover small rugs completely.
  • Pet hair rugs – With features like tangle-free extractors and carpet boost, Roombas can effectively remove pet hair embedded in rugs.

The key criteria are that the rug pile can’t be so high or dense that it blocks the robot’s brushes from reaching the floor underneath. Very long-pile shag rugs or high-pile sheepskin rugs may pose a challenge for Roombas. But most common, low to medium pile rugs are within Roomba’s cleaning capabilities.

Best Robot Vacuums for Rugs and Carpets

Roomba s9+

The Roomba s9+ is a premium robot vacuum known for its powerful suction and advanced navigation. It’s equipped with PerfectEdge® technology, making it particularly effective at cleaning along edges and corners, which can be crucial for rugs and carpets with fringes or edges.

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Roomba j7+

The Roomba j7+ is designed with PrecisionVision Navigation, which enables it to navigate and clean around obstacles with exceptional accuracy. This can be advantageous for homes with rugs and carpets where precise navigation is necessary to avoid getting stuck or damaging delicate floor coverings.

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Roomba i7+

The Roomba i7+ is known for its strong suction power and smart mapping capabilities. It can create customized cleaning maps, allowing you to specify cleaning zones. This is valuable for directing the Roomba to focus more on rugs and carpets or avoiding them as needed.

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Roomba i3+

The Roomba i3+ offers solid performance on a variety of floor types, including rugs and carpets. While it may not have some of the advanced features of higher-end models, it is still a reliable choice for maintaining cleanliness on these surfaces.

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Roomba 675

The Roomba 675 is a budget-friendly option with basic navigation and cleaning capabilities. While it may not have the advanced features of other models, it can still effectively clean rugs and low-pile carpets.

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  1. Roomba s9+: The Roomba s9+ is a premium robot vacuum known for its powerful suction and advanced navigation. It’s equipped with PerfectEdge® technology, making it particularly effective at cleaning along edges and corners, which can be crucial for rugs and carpets with fringes or edges.
  2. Roomba j7+: The Roomba j7+ is designed with PrecisionVision Navigation, which enables it to navigate and clean around obstacles with exceptional accuracy. This can be advantageous for homes with rugs and carpets where precise navigation is necessary to avoid getting stuck or damaging delicate floor coverings.
  3. Roomba i7+: The Roomba i7+ is known for its strong suction power and smart mapping capabilities. It can create customized cleaning maps, allowing you to specify cleaning zones. This is valuable for directing the Roomba to focus more on rugs and carpets or avoiding them as needed.
  4. Roomba i3+: The Roomba i3+ offers solid performance on a variety of floor types, including rugs and carpets. While it may not have some of the advanced features of higher-end models, it is still a reliable choice for maintaining cleanliness on these surfaces.
  5. Roomba 675: The Roomba 675 is a budget-friendly option with basic navigation and cleaning capabilities. While it may not have the advanced features of other models, it can still effectively clean rugs and low-pile carpets.

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The Roomba s9+ and Roomba j7+ are excellent choices for rugs and carpets due to their advanced navigation and edge-cleaning capabilities. The Roomba i7+ offers customization for rug and carpet cleaning. 

The Roomba i3+ is a reliable mid-range option, and the Roomba 675 is a budget-friendly choice for basic rug and carpet maintenance. Your choice should depend on your specific needs and budget.

Can Roomba Clean Under Rugs?

No, Roomba robotic vacuums cannot effectively clean under rugs. Here are some reasons why Roombas struggle to clean under rugs:

Lack of clearance – Roombas are designed to have very low clearance from the ground, usually less than 3 inches. This allows them to get under furniture but not thicker rugs.
No lifting mechanism – Roombas do not have any features to lift or flip over rugs to access the area underneath. They lack arms or other means to manipulate rugs.
Gets stuck – If a Roomba tries to climb onto a rug, it can get stuck or trapped by the rug’s edges. This can prevent it from reaching the area under the rug.
Navigation disrupted – Rugs often confuse Roomba’s navigation sensors, so it has trouble plotting a path under them.
Brushes less effective – Roomba’s brushes are designed to agitate carpet fibers, not scrub hard floors under rugs.

Can Roomba clean multiple rooms?

Yes, most Roomba models are capable of cleaning multiple rooms. They can navigate between rooms and return to their charging base when the cleaning cycle is complete or when they need to recharge. Advanced models can even create customized cleaning maps for specific rooms.

Can robot vacuums go over carpet?

Certainly. Robot vacuums can navigate and clean carpets effectively, provided the carpet’s height and texture are within the vacuum’s specified capabilities. They are designed to work on various floor surfaces, including low-pile and medium-pile carpets. However, very high-pile or shaggy carpets may pose more challenges for some robot vacuum models.

Can Roomba go from hardwood to carpet?

Yes, Roomba uses sensors to detect changes in floor surfaces and can autonomously transition between hardwood and carpeted areas during its cleaning cycle.

Can Roomba go over thick rugs?

Roomba can go over some thick rugs, but its ability to do so depends on the rug’s thickness and the specific Roomba model. Most Roombas can handle rugs with a thickness of up to 0.75 inches (19mm). Thicker rugs may pose challenges, as they can affect Roomba’s navigation and cleaning performance.

Do Roombas Fall Down Stairs

Yes, Roombas will not fall down stairs because they are equipped with cliff sensors. These infrared sensors are constantly searching for nearby drop-offs and when they find one, they guide Roomba to a safer location.

Do Roombas Work on Carpet

Yes, Roombas work on carpet, but their performance may vary depending on the type of carpet. Roombas come with edge brushes and rubber brushes that tend to work better on hard surfaces, but the rubber design of the bottom brush can help pick up debris on carpets, and the suction power of all robot vacuums can help suck up dust, dander, and dirt.

Does Roomba Get Caught on Rug Fringe

Roomba can have difficulty with rugs that have fringe. Some users have reported that Roomba gets stuck on the fringe, while others have found that Roomba can navigate around the fringe and even nudge the rug slightly out of its way.


Roomba robotic vacuums can be an excellent addition to your home cleaning routine, even for homes with various rugs and carpets. While Roombas may face some challenges with certain high-pile or complex rugs, most common rug types are within their cleaning capabilities. With features like edge brushes, tangle-free rollers, and adjustable suction power, Roombas are designed to navigate over and effectively clean low- to medium-pile rugs. 

By taking some precautions like securing rug edges, removing obstructions, and customizing cleaning schedules, Roombas can safely traverse most rugs without getting tangled or damaged. For very thick or delicate rugs, consider using physical barriers or virtual walls to define the Roomba’s cleaning zone. With periodic maintenance and using the ideal cleaning mode for each rug type, Roombas can complement manual vacuuming to keep all your rugs consistently clean.

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