Roomba vs Shark: A Comprehensive Comparison of Robotic Vacuums for Smart Homes


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Roomba Vs Shark

According to a recent study conducted by HomeAdvisor, robotic vacuums accounted for 15% of vacuum cleaner sales in 2022, showcasing their increasing popularity. In this comprehensive comparison, we delve into the world of Roomba vs Shark to help you make an informed decision for your smart home cleaning needs.

Shark Robotic Vacuums

  • Range of Shark robotic vacuums:

Shark offers a diverse range of robotic vacuums designed to cater to various cleaning needs. Their lineup includes models like the Shark IQ Robot and Shark ION Robot, each equipped with unique features and capabilities. Whether you require a compact and nimble vacuum or a more advanced model with mapping technology, Shark has options to suit different preferences and home sizes.

  • Price range and affordability:

One of the advantages of Shark robotic vacuums is their affordability without compromising on quality. With prices ranging from budget-friendly to mid-range, Shark offers competitive pricing compared to other leading brands in the market. This makes their robotic vacuums accessible to a wide range of consumers seeking an efficient cleaning solution at a reasonable price point. Their most affordable models start at around $200, while their top-of-the-line models can cost upwards of $600.

  • Battery life and runtime

Shark robotic vacuums feature reliable battery life and runtime. Depending on the model, the runtime can vary, typically ranging from 60 minutes to 90 minutes. This allows the vacuum to effectively clean larger areas without the need for frequent recharging. The batteries used in Shark robotic vacuums are designed to provide consistent power, ensuring uninterrupted cleaning performance.

  • Dust bin capacity and ease of emptying

Shark robotic vacuums are designed with varying dust bin capacities to accommodate different cleaning needs. Models like the Shark IQ Robot and Shark ION Robot offer larger dust bins, reducing the frequency of emptying. Additionally, Shark incorporates user-friendly designs, making it easy to empty the dust bin and dispose of collected debris without creating a mess.

  • Filtration system for improved air quality

Shark prioritizes air quality by integrating effective filtration systems into their robotic vacuums. Many models feature high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters, capable of trapping fine dust particles and allergens. This is especially beneficial for individuals with allergies or respiratory sensitivities, as the filtration system helps to maintain cleaner air during the cleaning process.

  • Warranty coverage and customer support

Shark stands behind its products by offering warranty coverage and reliable customer support. Depending on the model, Shark robotic vacuums typically come with a manufacturer’s warranty, providing peace of mind for potential buyers. In case of any issues or inquiries, Shark’s customer support team is readily available to assist with troubleshooting, replacement parts, or general product guidance.

  • Innovative features for enhanced functionality

Shark robotic vacuums incorporate innovative features to enhance their functionality and user experience. Models like the Shark IQ Robot include smart mapping technology, enabling efficient navigation and room-specific cleaning. Additionally, some models offer app connectivity, allowing users to control and schedule cleaning sessions conveniently from their smartphones.

  • Performance on different types of flooring

Shark robotic vacuums deliver reliable performance on various types of flooring, including carpets, hardwood, tile, and laminate. Equipped with powerful suction and brush systems, these vacuums effectively remove dirt, debris, and pet hair from different surfaces. Some models, such as the Shark DuoClean Robot vacuum cleaner, have specialized brush rolls designed for both carpets and hard floors, ensuring thorough cleaning across all floor types.

  • Object avoidance and getting stuck capabilities:

Shark robotic vacuums are equipped with advanced sensors and intelligent navigation systems to avoid obstacles and prevent getting stuck. These sensors detect furniture, walls, and other objects, allowing the vacuum to maneuver around them smoothly. This feature minimizes the risk of the vacuum getting trapped or causing damage to furniture, ensuring a hassle-free cleaning experience.

  • Brush system and its effectiveness:

Shark robotic vacuums employ effective brush systems to agitate and lift dirt and debris from various surfaces. The brush systems typically consist of brush rolls, bristle brushes, and rubberized extractors. These components work together to loosen and capture dirt, ensuring thorough cleaning. Shark’s brush systems are designed to be easy to clean and maintain, preventing clogging and maintaining optimal performance over time.

Roomba Robotic Vacuums

  • Range of Roomba robotic vacuums:

Roomba offers a diverse range of robotic vacuum cleaners to cater to different cleaning needs. From the high-end Roomba i7+ to the budget-friendly Roomba 675, there is a Roomba model for every budget and requirement. Whether you have a small apartment or a large home, Roomba provides options with varying features and capabilities to ensure effective cleaning.

  • Price range and value for money:

Roomba robotic vacuums span a wide price range, allowing users to choose a model that fits their budget. While the more advanced models tend to be higher in price, they often come packed with cutting-edge features and technologies that provide excellent value for money. Consider the specific needs of your home and select a Roomba model that offers the desired features at a price point that suits you.

  • Battery life and efficient operation:

Roomba robotic vacuums are designed with efficient battery systems that offer extended cleaning sessions. Models like the Roomba 980 and Roomba i7+ boast longer battery life, allowing them to cover larger areas without interruption. This ensures that the vacuum cleaner can efficiently clean your entire home before requiring a recharge, minimizing any inconvenience during the cleaning process.

  • Dust bin capacity and convenience of emptying:

Roomba vacuums come with varying dust bin capacities to accommodate different cleaning requirements. Models such as the Roomba i7+ feature a self-emptying base, allowing the vacuum cleaner to automatically empty its contents into a larger bin. This innovative feature reduces the frequency of manual emptying, providing convenience and ensuring uninterrupted cleaning.

  • Filtration system for superior allergen capture:

Roomba robotic vacuums are equipped with advanced filtration systems, including high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters. These filters capture fine dust particles, pet dander, and other allergens, improving indoor air quality. If you or your family members suffer from allergies, a Roomba vacuum with a HEPA filter, like the Roomba i7+ or Roomba e5, can help create a healthier living environment.

  • Warranty coverage and reliable customer service:

Roomba offers reliable warranty coverage for their robotic vacuums, ensuring peace of mind for the buyers. Depending on the model, warranties can range from one to two years, covering manufacturing defects and ensuring prompt repairs or replacements if needed. Roomba is also known for its excellent customer service, providing timely support and assistance to address any concerns or queries.

  • Advanced features and smart home integration:

Roomba robotic vacuums come packed with advanced features like mapping technology, laser navigation, and virtual wall barriers. These features enable precise cleaning, effective obstacle avoidance, and the creation of no-go zones. Moreover, Roomba vacuums can be integrated into smart home systems, allowing users to control and schedule cleaning sessions using voice commands or smartphone apps.

  • Performance on various floor types:

Roomba vacuums deliver reliable performance on various floor types, including carpets, hardwood, and tile. They are equipped with adaptive cleaning systems that automatically adjust the suction power and brush settings based on the floor type. Whether you have deep-pile carpets or delicate hardwood floors, Roomba robotic vacuums are designed to effectively clean and maintain the integrity of different surfaces.

  • Object avoidance and intelligent navigation:

Roomba vacuums employ advanced sensors and intelligent navigation algorithms to detect and avoid obstacles. They can effortlessly navigate around furniture, walls, and other objects, ensuring comprehensive cleaning coverage. Roomba models like the Roomba i7+ and Roomba 980 utilize mapping technology to create a virtual map of the cleaning area, allowing for systematic cleaning patterns.

  • Brush system and its cleaning efficiency:

Roomba vacuums utilize various brush systems, including dual brush rolls and edge-sweeping brushes. These brush systems work in tandem to agitate and capture dirt and debris effectively. The dual brush rolls tackle different floor types, ensuring efficient cleaning on carpets and hard floors. Additionally, the edge-sweeping brushes reach into corners and along edges, leaving no area untouched.

Roomba Vs Roborock: Which Is Better?

Budget Friendly Roomba vs Shark Comparison

1. Shark Ion 750 (aka R75):

The Shark Ion 750 is a budget-friendly robotic vacuum cleaner that offers impressive features and cleaning performance. With its powerful suction, it effectively captures dust, dirt, and pet hair. The unit utilizes smart sensor technology to navigate around obstacles and avoid falls. 

The Shark Ion 750 also features Wi-Fi connectivity, allowing you to control and schedule cleaning sessions through a smartphone app. In terms of price, the Shark Ion 750 is generally more affordable compared to Roomba models in the same budget category.

2. Shark Ion 850 (aka R85):

The Shark Ion 850 is another reliable option in the budget category. It shares many similarities with the Shark Ion 750, including strong suction power, smart sensor navigation, and Wi-Fi connectivity. 

However, the Shark Ion 850 may offer additional enhancements, such as longer battery life or improved brush roll design, depending on the specific model variant. When comparing prices, the Shark Ion 850 is typically competitively priced within the budget range when compared to Roomba models.

3. Roomba e5:

The Roomba e5 is a noteworthy budget-friendly robotic vacuum cleaner from the Roomba lineup. It boasts advanced features such as a three-stage cleaning system that effectively lifts and suctions dirt from various floor types. The Roomba e5 utilizes intelligent sensors to adapt its cleaning pattern and avoid obstacles.

 It also integrates with the iRobot Home app, allowing you to control and schedule cleaning sessions remotely. While the Roomba e5 may have a slightly higher price tag compared to Shark models in the same budget category, it offers excellent cleaning performance and the reliability associated with the Roomba brand.

In summary, when comparing the budget category offerings from Shark and Roomba, it’s clear that both brands provide feature-rich options at affordable price points. The Shark Ion 750 and Shark Ion 850 deliver solid cleaning performance, smart navigation, and Wi-Fi connectivity. 

On the other hand, the Roomba e5 impresses with its three-stage cleaning system and integration with the iRobot Home app. By carefully evaluating the key features, specifications, cleaning capabilities, and prices of each model, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your budget and cleaning requirements.

ModelKey FeaturesCleaning Capabilities
Shark Ion 750Powerful suction, smart sensor navigation, Wi-Fi connectivityEffective dirt and pet hair removal
Roomba e5Three-stage cleaning system, intelligent sensors, iRobot Home app integrationThorough and efficient cleaning
Shark Ion 850Strong suction, smart sensor navigation, Wi-Fi connectivityVersatile cleaning performance

Mid-tier Category: Shark vs Roomba Comparison

1. Shark IQ Robot Vacuum (aka R101):

The Shark IQ Robot Vacuum, also known as the R101, is a powerful and efficient mid-tier robotic vacuum cleaner. With advanced features and intelligent navigation, it offers a compelling cleaning experience. 

The R101 comes equipped with impressive capabilities such as self-emptying functionality, allowing you to enjoy hands-free maintenance. It utilizes mapping technology to create a virtual map of your home, ensuring thorough and systematic cleaning. The R101 also boasts strong suction power, making it effective at picking up pet hair, allergens, and debris.

2. Roomba 960:

The Roomba 960, on the other hand, is a notable mid-tier offering from the Roomba lineup. This robotic vacuum cleaner combines smart features with efficient cleaning capabilities. With its iAdapt 2.0 navigation system, the Roomba 960 intelligently maps and navigates your home, ensuring complete coverage of all areas.

 It utilizes visual localization to track its position and avoid obstacles. The Roomba 960 also incorporates the patented AeroForce 3-Stage Cleaning System, which provides powerful suction and agitation for thorough cleaning on various floor types.

ModelShark IQ Robot Vacuum (R101)Roomba 960
Key FeaturesSelf-emptying, mapping technologyiAdapt 2.0 navigation system
Cleaning CapabilitiesStrong suction, effective pet hair pickupAeroForce 3-Stage Cleaning System
Price RangeMid-tierMid-tier

Premium Category: Shark IQ Robot Vacuum vs. Roomba i7+

1. Shark IQ Robot Vacuum with Self Empty (aka R101AE):

The Shark IQ Robot Vacuum with Self Empty is a feature-packed powerhouse designed to elevate your cleaning experience. Equipped with advanced navigation and mapping technology, this model creates a virtual map of your home, ensuring efficient and thorough cleaning.

Its powerful suction capability and self-emptying bin system make it ideal for large households or pet owners. With features like Wi-Fi connectivity and app control, you can easily schedule cleaning sessions and monitor the vacuum’s progress. The Shark IQ Robot Vacuum’s price in the premium category is competitive, offering exceptional value for its range of cutting-edge features.

2. Roomba i7+:

The Roomba i7+ is a top-tier robotic vacuum cleaner that combines innovation and performance. With intelligent mapping and Imprint Smart Mapping technology, it learns and adapts to your home’s layout for optimized cleaning. Its high-efficiency filter and unique dual multi-surface rubber brushes capture dust, debris, and pet hair with precision. The Roomba i7+ also boasts a self-emptying base, making maintenance hassle-free.

Wi-Fi connectivity and app control enable you to customize cleaning schedules and monitor cleaning status from anywhere. While the Roomba i7+ is priced in the premium range, its superior cleaning capabilities and advanced features make it an excellent investment for smart homeowners.

FeatureShark IQ Robot Vacuum (R101AE)Roomba i7+
Navigation TechnologyAdvanced Mapping and NavigationImprint Smart Mapping
Self-Emptying BinYesYes
Wi-Fi ConnectivityYesYes
Cleaning Brush SystemDual Multi-Surface Brush RollDual Multi-Surface Rubber Brushes
Filtration SystemHEPA FilterHigh-Efficiency Filter
Price RangeCompetitivePremium

Shark Ion 750 vs Roomba 890 Comparison


When it comes to performance, both the Shark Ion 750 and Roomba 890 offer exceptional cleaning capabilities. The Shark Ion 750 boasts a powerful suction system that effortlessly tackles dirt, dust, and pet hair. Its advanced brush roll design ensures efficient pickup on both carpets and hard floors.

On the other hand, the Roomba 890 features a high-performance AeroForce Cleaning System, utilizing three-stage cleaning to loosen, lift, and suction debris effectively. It also incorporates Dirt Detect technology, which identifies heavily soiled areas and provides additional cleaning power.


In terms of features, the Shark Ion 750 and Roomba 890 come packed with intelligent technologies to enhance your cleaning experience. The Shark Ion 750 utilizes smart navigation technology to create an efficient cleaning path, seamlessly maneuvering around furniture and obstacles.

It also offers Wi-Fi connectivity, enabling app-based control and scheduling. On the other hand, the Roomba 890 comes equipped with iAdapt Navigation, which uses a suite of sensors to adapt and navigate your home. It integrates seamlessly with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant for voice control, making it a convenient choice for smart home enthusiasts.


Pricing is a crucial aspect to consider when comparing the Shark Ion 750 and Roomba 890. The Shark Ion 750 generally falls in the mid-range price bracket, making it an attractive option for those seeking a balance between performance and affordability.

On the other hand, the Roomba 890 is positioned in the higher price range, reflecting its advanced features and brand reputation. However, it’s important to note that pricing may vary depending on discounts, promotions, and availability, so it’s always wise to compare prices from reputable retailers or online platforms.

FeatureShark Ion 750Roomba 890
PerformancePowerful suction and versatile brush rollAeroForce Cleaning System and Dirt Detect
FeaturesSmart navigation and Wi-Fi connectivityiAdapt Navigation and voice control
PricingMid-range priceHigher price range

Maintenance and Care:

To ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your Shark or Roomba robotic vacuum, proper maintenance is essential. Both brands recommend regular maintenance, including emptying the dustbin, cleaning the filter, and checking for tangled hair or debris in the brush rolls.

Additionally, following the manufacturer’s guidelines for software updates and occasional battery recalibration is crucial. By adhering to these maintenance practices, you can maximize the lifespan and efficiency of your robotic vacuum.

Features and App Integration:

Shark and Roomba offer a range of features and mobile app integration to enhance your cleaning experience. Roomba’s mobile app provides advanced features such as scheduling cleaning sessions, selecting cleaning modes, and even creating virtual walls to designate no-go areas.

Shark’s mobile app offers similar capabilities, including scheduling, remote control, and the ability to customize cleaning preferences. Both brands have continuously improved their app interfaces, providing intuitive and user-friendly experiences for seamless control and monitoring of your robotic vacuum.

Cleaning Performance and Efficiency:

When it comes to cleaning performance, both Shark and Roomba robotic vacuums excel in their own ways. Roomba vacuums utilize intelligent mapping and laser navigation technologies to create a virtual map of your home, resulting in efficient and thorough cleaning.

Shark vacuums employ smart navigation and mapping systems to clean methodically and avoid obstacles. In terms of cleaning different surfaces, both brands offer models with specialized brush rolls for tackling carpets and hard floors. It is important to consider the specific needs of your home environment when evaluating the cleaning performance and efficiency of these robotic vacuums.

Design and Ergonomics:

Design and ergonomics play a vital role in the usability and maneuverability of robotic vacuums. Roomba models typically feature a round design, allowing them to navigate corners and tight spaces with ease. Shark vacuums, on the other hand, often have a more rectangular shape, enabling them to clean closer to walls and reach under furniture.

Dimensions and weight vary among models, so it is important to consider the layout of your home and any potential obstacles. Both Roomba and Shark focus on providing compact designs with intuitive controls, ensuring a hassle-free cleaning experience.

Roomba vs Shark: Features and Options Details


When it comes to filtration systems, both Shark and Roomba robotic vacuums prioritize clean and allergen-free air. Shark employs advanced HEPA filters that effectively capture fine dust particles and allergens, ensuring improved air quality within your home.

Roomba, on the other hand, utilizes a high-efficiency filter system that traps particles as small as 10 microns, providing similar filtration benefits. Both brands are committed to delivering cleaner air for those with allergies or sensitivities.

Navigation and Sensors

Shark and Roomba robotic vacuums utilize sophisticated navigation and sensor technologies to efficiently navigate your home. Shark models feature smart navigation systems that use sensors to create a map of your space and avoid obstacles, ensuring thorough coverage.

Roomba, on the other hand, employs laser navigation technology, allowing for precise mapping and efficient cleaning patterns. The intelligent sensors on both brands help prevent collisions and falls, ensuring a seamless and safe cleaning experience.

Side Brushes

Shark and Roomba robotic vacuums incorporate side brushes to help reach corners and edges effectively. Shark models often come with dual side brushes that work in tandem, ensuring thorough cleaning along walls and baseboards. Roomba, on the other hand, typically utilizes a single side brush. While both approaches are effective, the dual side brushes of Shark models may provide slightly better coverage in hard-to-reach areas.


For optimal cleaning performance, both Shark and Roomba robotic vacuums utilize advanced brush systems and extractors. Shark vacuums feature dual brush rolls, combining a bristle brush for deep cleaning carpets and a soft brush roll for capturing fine dust on hard floors.

Roomba, on the other hand, employs dual multi-surface rubber extractors that prevent tangling with hair and debris, ensuring efficient pickup on various floor types. Both brands prioritize effective extraction for a thorough and hassle-free cleaning experience.

Batteries and Recharging:

Battery life and recharging capabilities are crucial factors in robotic vacuums. Shark and Roomba offer models with varying battery capacities, typically ranging from 60 to 90 minutes of runtime. Roomba models often include the option for automatic recharging, where the vacuum returns to its docking station when the battery is low.

Shark models also offer convenient recharging features. It’s important to note that specific models within each brand may offer different battery capacities and charging options, so it’s worth considering your cleaning needs and home size when selecting a model.


Both Shark and Roomba provide options for creating barriers or virtual walls to control the areas being vacuumed. Shark offers boundary strips that you can place to restrict the vacuum’s movement, effectively creating no-go zones. Roomba, on the other hand, includes virtual wall devices that emit signals to create invisible barriers. These features allow you to customize the cleaning boundaries and protect specific areas or delicate objects within your home.

Mobile App and Voice Controls:

Shark and Roomba robotic vacuums offer mobile apps that provide convenient control and scheduling options. Through the apps, you can start or pause cleaning sessions, adjust settings, and monitor cleaning progress from anywhere.

Additionally, both brands support voice controls via popular voice assistants like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, allowing you to control your vacuum hands-free. The mobile app and voice control features offer enhanced convenience and seamless integration into your smart home ecosystem.

Spot Cleaning:

Spot cleaning is a handy function available in both Shark and Roomba robotic vacuums. This feature allows you to direct the vacuum to clean a specific area of concern, such as a spill or high-traffic zone. By activating spot cleaning mode through the mobile app or manually, the vacuum concentrates its cleaning efforts in the designated area, ensuring thorough and targeted cleaning.

Both Shark and Roomba models perform well in spot cleaning, providing an efficient solution for quick cleanups or tackling specific problem areas.

Dust Bins:

The dust bin capacities, ease of emptying, and maintenance requirements of Shark and Roomba robotic vacuums vary across models. Shark vacuums typically have larger dust bins, ranging from 0.7 to 1.5 liters, allowing for extended cleaning sessions before emptying is necessary.

Roomba models generally have smaller dust bins, averaging around 0.6 liters, but they compensate for this with self-emptying options in certain models. When it comes to emptying, Shark and Roomba vacuums offer user-friendly systems, making the process quick and hygienic. Regular maintenance, such as filter cleaning and brush maintenance, is essential for optimal performance in both brands.

Please note that the specific features and options mentioned above may vary depending on the models within each brand. For a detailed comparison of specific models, refer to the table below:

FeatureShark Robotic VacuumsRoomba Robotic Vacuums
FiltrationHEPA filtersHigh-efficiency filters
Navigation and SensorsSmart navigationLaser navigation
Side BrushesDual brushesSingle brush
ExtractorsDual brush rollsDual rubber extractors
Batteries and RechargingVaries by modelVaries by model
BarriersBoundary stripsVirtual wall devices
Mobile App and Voice ControlsAvailableAvailable
Spot CleaningAvailableAvailable
Dust BinsVaries by modelVaries by model

Which is better, Roomba or Shark?

   The answer depends on various factors such as specific needs, budget, and personal preferences. Both Roomba and Shark offer a range of robotic vacuums with different features and capabilities.

It’s important to consider factors like cleaning performance, navigation technology, battery life, and pricing when making a decision.

Can either of these robots continue where they left off?

  Yes, some models of both Roomba and Shark robotic vacuums have mapping and navigation capabilities that allow them to resume cleaning from where they left off.

These advanced models can create a map of your home, enabling them to navigate efficiently and return to the exact spot they stopped if interrupted.

I have a dark-colored floor, and the Ion 750 avoids it, what can I do?

   Some robotic vacuums may have difficulty navigating dark-colored floors due to their infrared sensors. One possible solution is to use virtual barriers or magnetic strips to create boundaries and guide the robot to avoid specific areas. Additionally, you can consider models with improved navigation technology that can better handle dark surfaces.

Can I program the robots manually, or do I have to use the mobile app?

 Both Roomba and Shark robotic vacuums usually come with a mobile app that allows you to control and program them remotely.

However, most models also provide manual controls directly on the robot itself, allowing you to initiate cleaning sessions and adjust settings without relying solely on the app.

Are Shark robot vacuums worth it

Shark robot vacuums are generally considered worth it due to their strong suction power, efficient cleaning performance, and reasonable price compared to other brands. They offer convenience and effectiveness in maintaining cleanliness, making them a reliable choice for many households.

What’s the difference between Roomba and Shark?

The main difference lies in their design and features. Roomba, made by iRobot, is known for its advanced navigation and mapping capabilities, while Shark offers a range of models with different features and pricing options, including self-emptying bins.

The competition between Roomba vs Shark in the robotic vacuum cleaner market is fierce, with each brand offering unique features and benefits. Shark focuses on affordability and practicality, providing reliable battery life and user-friendly designs. Their models, such as the Shark Ion 750 and Ion 850, deliver solid cleaning performance at competitive prices. 

Roomba, on the other hand, positions itself as a premium brand with advanced technologies and cutting-edge features. The Roomba e5 impresses with its three-stage cleaning system and integration with the iRobot Home app. In the mid-tier category, the Shark IQ Robot Vacuum (R101) offers self-emptying functionality, while the Roomba 960 showcases advanced navigation and a powerful AeroForce 3-Stage Cleaning System.

For those seeking the ultimate in features and performance, the Shark IQ Robot Vacuum with Self Empty (R101AE) and the Roomba i7+ are top contenders. With its self-emptying capability, the Shark IQ Robot Vacuum ensures minimal maintenance, while the Roomba i7+ boasts superior cleaning capabilities and advanced mapping technology. 

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