Roborock S7 Vs Roborock S7+ (Best Features Comparison)


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Roborock S7 Vs Roborock S7+ features and comparisons

Roborock S7 Vs Roborock S7+ debate is among the most popular on Reddit and other forums. The two robot vacuums are the newest ones from the Chinese brand, but they are hard to tell apart. So, this article is for you if you aren’t sure which model to choose.

We’ve examined all the important factors to help you decide what to buy. For a quick buyer, the only difference between the S7 and S7+ is the price and the accessories.

The base model is less expensive but doesn’t come with the automatic self-emptying add-on. The plus model, on the other hand, does have this add-on.

What Makes Roborock S7 and S7+ Different?

The difference between the models is that Roborock S7+ comes with a dock that empties itself while the Roborock S7 does not. The only difference between the two machines is the dock that comes in the box.

The dock with the S7 is much smaller and only charges the phone. The S7+ has a bigger motor base with a vacuum motor and a big dustbin to remove the dust from the robot when it docks.

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Roborock S7 Vs Roborock S7+: Features and Comparison

Roborock S7 Vs Roborock S7+
woman controlling a robot vacuum

Water Tank On Board Is Controlled Electronically

Older Roborock vacuums have a water tank drips water onto the mopping pad as it cleans. This keeps the pad wet while it cleans. The S7/S7+, on the other hand, has an electronic water tank that gives you more control over the amount of water that goes onto the mop.

You can tell the robot to use less water on wood floors that might be damaged by water. You can add more water to clean surfaces that don’t mind getting wet, like tile or laminate.

Work With New Rubber-Only Brush Roller

The S7/S7+ is the first Roborock to have a brush roller that is made of rubber by itself. Before this, all Roborock vacuums had rollers made of half bristles and half rubber. The brush made of only rubber is more durable and less likely to tangle hair.

This is great if you have shedding pets because it will take you less time to get the hair out of the brush. Longer hair will still get wrapped around the roller and must be taken out by hand.

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Brush Roller Can Now Move Feely and Float

The floating brush is another new feature of the S7 and S7+. Before this, the brush roller was always in the same place and at a certain height from the ground.

The brush roller on the S7/S7+ is free to move and float. This lets the brush change its shape to fit the surface. It sticks to the ground more tightly, which lets the motor’s suction be used exactly where it’s needed.

Equipped with the New Retractable, Vibrating Vibrarise Mop.

With the S7 and S7+, Roborock added a new feature called VibraRise. Vibra is the name of the arm that makes the mopping pad move. As the robot cleans, it scrubs the floor by moving the mopping pad quickly left and right. This gives the floor a deeper clean than if you dragged the pad across the floor.

Rise means that the S7 and S7+ can tell when they’re on a carpet and move the mopping pad up a little, so they don’t get water on the carpet. The robot’s sonic detectors on the bottom are always looking at the ground, and they will raise the mop when they find something.

Whenever it thinks it’s on a rug or carpeted part of the house. This new broom is the best thing about the S7. You no longer have to stay away from carpeted areas when using the S7/S7+ to clean your house. Instead, you can clean the whole place without worrying that your carpets or area rugs might get wet.

Other Salient Features

The S7 and S7+, like all modern Roborock vacuums, use LIDAR to make an accurate map of your home. With the app, you can tell the robot where to clean in many different ways. There are invisible walls or no-go lines that the robot won’t cross. As the name says, no-go zones are places where the robot won’t go.

Since the mopping pad on the S7/S7+ can be raised, you can also set no-mop zones for places you don’t want to be cleaned. The carpet sensors on board should already stop the mop from cleaning carpeted areas, but you can use this as a backup or stop the mop from cleaning hard surfaces. You can also give each room a name, like Kitchen, Bathroom, or Kids’ Room, and tell the robot when to clean each room.

犀利士 =”wp-block-heading”>Conclusion

From what’s been said, it’s easy to see that these two robot vacuums are alike. Everything is shared except for the accessories. The standard docking station comes with the S7, while the S7+ comes with a docking station with both a charging base and an empty station.

The S7+ is, of course, more expensive than the S7. But if you’re on a tight budget, you can start with the S7 and then buy the automatic self-empty station separately to get the S7premium +’s features.

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